Friday, May 7, 2010

Very thin line between Expectation & Belief

They say when you teach once, you have learnt it twice. While talking to one of my associates, I just learnt this lesson twice (:)) while teaching him, that there is a very thin line between Expectation & Belief.

"Whatever you believe in very strongly endlessly, shapes up into reality" - is what the great Law Of Attraction has to say. This has been true. But many people are'nt able to believe in this, for, their beliefs dont turn into reality. According to my experience either the belief was not believed in very strongly, not visualised very strongly or had boubts hidden underneath it. Impure beliefs turn half way around.

Mind is a strong tool for success in life. You need to believe in your dream until it turns into reality. Visualise exactly the way you want it to come true. Work towards it. Many people think adventure is lost this way. No, friends its more adventurous this way. The destination is clear & path is explored totally unkonwn & unexpected. Because when you are believing in the unexpected & an impossible dream, obstacles in the journey are big. When you keep going through that hell, enjoying all challenges you face on the journey, miracles shape up unexpectedly to make things happen.

This is as far as belief is concerned. Expectations only lead to disappointment. Because expectations have deadlines. The thin line between belief & expectation is:
Belief is "It will be this way". Expectation is "It Should be this way by this time".

Expectations lead to disappointment as we all have at one point or the other in our lives have faced.

But the catch here is to go through the hell, the journey of belief turning reality portrays. At one point things might all look like going against you, but thats when the new equilibrium is getting established for your dreams to turn into reality exactly the way you visualised. The process of difficulties is the fight between your future expectations & present circumstances. So turn those expectations into belief & then feel positive about every step on the journey & destination shall be yours.

All the best. Lets believe in our dreams. Dreams are the most beautiful elements of an exciting life. Everything looks beautiful when you have lot of dreams & lot of hope that they will get fulfilled. Everything looks dull as the hope reduces & as you kill your dreams one by one.

May this blog re-instill that hope in you for all your dreams to get fulfilled, turn all your expectations into beliefs, turn down disappointments, instill positivity & hope in you, make your life thouroughly adventurous.

Good luck. Needless to say My comments column is waiting to know what you felt, thought & decided while reading this.


  1. this is like amazing sir....can we make it just compulsary for every human to read this..?

  2. Belief is "It will be this way". Expectation is "It Should be this way by this time"

    The above line is amazing!

  3. while i was readin this ... I felt that its exactly for me... need many such medics...:-)

  4. fantastic sir really inspiring one...

  5. 1st time saw u r blog sujit.... its really too a kind of person dat u r, but apart frm my Mechanical Engg. career I dnt find time to write, poetry nd all.. plz write smthng on time managemnt to fulfil ur desires & daily works too.

  6. FEW MORE TOPIC- diff. btween desires nd needs.... nd hw to deal them
    Er.Anil Basra

  7. Great lines. I need it urgently. Thanks a lot...

  8. no mor expectations it jus hurts, nw its belief.... :) tanku sir tabks alot :)


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